Reception Style - High Heel Confidential (2025)


  1. I actually like it. It’s pretty and simple-ish.
    Reminds me of that Ash in that portrait for Devdas.

  2. HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. aww. I personally dont like that shade of blue, so its a “dislike” from me just coz of the color. but how lovely is she?! They’re very cute together. Congrats to them. 🙂

  4. her husband is very handsome. She looks good, wish she had worn better jewelry.

  • could pass off for obama’s younger bro…

    • YES!!!!!! Samrat totally reminds me of Obama!!!

  • OK this may be weird but this Samrat look very attractive and sexy in a “Barrack Obama” way.. btw who is he… how come we never heard of him before.. or is it jus me who’s been living under a rock??!
    Oh yeah the lehnga isnt great but she looks glowing and make up is spot on!

    • You haven’t heard of him, because he is a Nepalese businessman and not a celebrity!
      And he is a very private person acc. to Manisha’s interviews.

    • hee hee , i thought so too, he looks so much like Barrack Obama 🙂 They make a nice couple. And since its her wedding reception I will not say anything about her dress too, the smiles on their faces are beautiful 🙂

  • It’s the bride’s day and she looks happy in what she has chosen to wear. I think that’s what’s important. It’s sentiments over fashion so my full marks for her being her not caring what others would like to see her in. Love u Manisha.

  • Terrible color and no, I’m NOT going to be politically correct and say ‘She looks lovely’. Samrat looks suave though!

  • Oh dear not loving this at all – still her face looks radiant and hes looking very much the dashing groom – how come you’re not posting any pics of the guests? Were there any celebs in attendance?

    • Jackie Shroff was there and he is very close to Manisha.

      He was wearing the traditional Nepalese men’s outfit, “daura suruwal” and not a suit. Usually only the ones closet to the bride wears such an outfit at the ceremony. Even some ‘modern’ dads and brothers don’t wear them these days, so it was really sweet of Jackie to wear that! Must have pleased Manisha no end!

  • The outfit isn’t that good, but her face is passable for all the fashion disasters she can ever attempt.

  • I know!! I just don’t get it!!
    Have been following your delightful blog since last two years btw, first time posting a comment!! Oh well.. 🙂

  • I love that she wore electric blue for her reception rather than some pastel like everyone else. Gorgeous!

  • DAMN her husband is HOT! u go manisha!!

  • looking radiant but not sure about the jewellery. seems fake?

    • i dont know about the diamond necklace but the green necklace is a mordern take on the traditional nepalese mangalsutra – called the “poath”. she is wearing the traditional long green version in her wedding pic.
      correct me if im wrong any nepalese friends…

      • Poteh mala comes in various forms..its not really like a mangalsutra but something that women wear only after marriage . She is just wearing a small one(that women wear on normal days) for the reception.

        • Like the mangalsutra, poteh is adorned on the bride by the groom during the wedding ceremony and is a symbol of married ladies. It is taken off if one is widowed.

          However, unlike mangalsutra, poteh comes in different colors, and can be worn with or without the gold embellishment.

    • Well, both the bride and the groom and are stinking rich and come from equally rich and industrious families. With the former king and queen along with the rich and the famous in attendance, I doubt she would be wearing ‘fake’ jewelry. Some jewelry don’t photograh well, so maybe thats the case here…just my opinion….

      • ya i think so too, probably the diamond jewelery didnt photograph well. and no i was not referring to the traditional green mala.

  • I find it in bad taste to criticize folks on their wedding day…

  • Aww so cute, she looks like she’s right out of the Kehna hi kya song, except she’s in blue now..
    veyy pretty.

  • she looks lovely, actually!

  • You cant blame her. Reception outfit is usually presented by the groom’s family! Manisha’s been such a good girl going through each and very ceremony with grace and smile.

    • her outfit has been designed by Anna Singh. I am disappointed.

  • I suspect the color must look gorgeous in person but not photographing well. Manisha looks very happy.

    • I like the color, and I too think it did not photograph well.

  • Don’t like it at all.. But they look happy so who cares, right? 😉

  • I may be in a minority here but I think it’s good to chose a different color than the standard wedding colors…I quite like this shade of blue. The outfit is not great but it’s not bad either. She looks lovely overall.


  • The President,PM,famous leaders……..OMG ……..all the famous people of Nepal were in the reception of Manisha………waiting to see pics of her reception in Mumbai..Hope that would be as grand as this one in Nepal…….

  • Girls…

    Manisha’s wedding trousseau was by Sabyasachi.
    Reception dress by Ana Singh
    ( Via mid-day)

    • really, by Sabyasachi? Havn’t seen her wear anything resembling a Sabya, unless you mean the mustard Sari she wore, which was the only wedding outfit of hers I’ve liked so far. Shame as shes so naturally beautiful she could have looked unreal given the right clothes and jewelery.

  • The outfit, jewelry screams tacky. Can’t believe she wore this for her wedding reception. Tch tch.

  • I think she looks gorgeous. At least she is not trying too hard like some leggy SS. I think its appropriate for the occasion and I am sure the color would be lovely on her in person. They both look good together!

    • I agree, the color might look different in person, i dont mind it so much, but i think in person it might be a very different blue than how it photographs. Eitherways she looks happy and nice!


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    Reception Style - High Heel Confidential (2025)


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